
Frequently Asked Questions

Location & Hours of Operation


Postal Plus is located at 1416 South Main Street Suite 220 Adrian Michigan 49221. You can find us in the Crossroads Shopping Plaza at the corner of M-52 and US-223. We share the plaza with BigLots, Staples, Sherwin Williams, SVS Vision, Mancinos and other stores. From the roadside on M-52, you'll see Red Lobster and Applebees. Our plaza is behind these two restaurants.


Postal Plus is currently open weekdays from 9:00AM - 6:00PM. We are open Saturdays from 10:00AM until 2:00PM. Unless it is a national holiday or we have posted otherwise, these are the hours of operation. For questions on our opening, feel free to call our store phone number. The voicemail will provide you with a confirmation of our closing.

Shipping Services

Which carriers do you provide services with?

Postal Plus is proud to offer services from The United States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express (FedEx), Dalsey Hillblom Lynn (DHL), International Package Shipping (IPS), and a variety of Freight Services.

What is the latest I can have a package mailed out through UPS, FedEx, DHL, or the Postal Service?

USPS packages are picked up Monday - Friday around 4:00PM and Saturday around 2:00PM. The deadline for shipment is 4:00PM on weekdays and 2:00PM on Saturdays.

Fedex Ground packages are picked up Monday - Friday at 3:00PM. The deadline for shipment is 3:00PM on weekdays.

FedEx Express packages are picked up Monday - Friday at 5:00PM. The deadline for shipment is 5:00PM on weekdays.

UPS Ground and Air packages are picked up Monday - Friday at 5:00PM. The deadline for shipment is 5:00PM on weekdays.

DHL packages are picked up Monday - Friday from 12:00PM - 6:00PM. The deadline for shipment is 12:00PM.

What will it cost to mail my package?

This answer depends upon many different variables. What is the weight of the package? Does the item you're looking to send require packaging? What are the dimensions of the package? Where is the package going? Is the address classified as a residence or a business?

It may seem like a lot of information, but each piece of the equation is vital for getting you an accurate shipping quote. Feel free to stop by or give us a call so that a member of our professional team can find you the best options for your shipping needs!

Are you The UPS Store or a FedEx Office? Can you scan my QR code and print a label?

Many large companies have began providing return postage by sending their customers QR codes or other forms of scan codes. These codes are often only able to be accepted by a UPS Store franchise or FedEx Office franchise.

Companies that tend to do this are Amazon, Walmart, Zappos, Dish Network, Comcast/Xfinity, AT&T/DirecTV, Mercari, eBay, and other large retailers that may not be mentioned among the preceding businesses.

While Postal Plus is able to offer services through both UPS and FedEx, we are not a franchisee of either of these two carriers. Since we are independently owned and operated, we are not provided the ability to scan your codes to print a label for you, as this is a franchise only agreement between the carrier and the company. (e.g. The UPS Store Franchise Network has an exclusive agreement with Amazon.)

Do you accept Comcast/Xfinity, AT&T/DirecTV, or Dish Network equipment returns?

Currently, these companies have exclusive contracts with The UPS Store or FedEx Office franchises. Since Postal Plus is independently owned, we are not granted these same contracts. This means that unless the company has provided you with a shipping label, that we won't be able to ship your equipment for free.

We do, however, have addresses in our database so that we are able to ship your equipment, but it ships at your cost. For further reading and to request shipping labels for free, see the following links depending on your equipment type.

Comcast/Xfinity Returns

AT&T/DirecTV/U-verse Returns

Dish Network Returns

Still can't find what you're looking for?

For more information, call us at 517.265.4072 or send us a message by clicking the chat bubble to the right.

Store Hours

  • Sun
    Feb 23

  • Mon
    Feb 24

  • Tue
    Feb 25

  • Wed
    Feb 26

  • Thu
    Feb 27

  • Fri
    Feb 28

  • Sat
    Mar 1
